Tag: Clupea harengus

Storm-Induced Atlantic Herring (Clupea harengus) Egg Mortality in Baltic Sea Inshore Spawning Areas

Moll, D., Kotterba, P., von Nordheim, L., and Polte, P. 2018. Storm-Induced Atlantic Herring (Clupea harengus) Egg Mortality in Baltic Sea Inshore Spawning Areas. Estuaries and Coasts, 41: 1–12. inshore…
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Broad-Scale Climate Influences on Spring-Spawning Herring (Clupea harengus, L.) Recruitment in the Western Baltic Sea

Gröger, J. P., Hinrichsen, H.-H., and Polte, P. 2014. Broad-Scale Climate Influences on Spring-Spawning Herring (Clupea harengus, L.) Recruitment in the Western Baltic Sea. PLoS ONE, 9: e87525. reproduction success…
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Environmental determinants of larval herring Clupea harengus abundance and distribution in the western Baltic Sea: Larval herring ecology

Dodson, J. J., Daigle, G., Hammer, C., Polte, P., Kotterba, P., Winkler, G., and Zimmermann, C. 2018. Environmental determinants of larval herring ( Clupea harengus ) abundance and distribution in…
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