Tag: Caribbean

Research on Biodiversity and Climate Change at a Distance: Collaboration Networks between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean

Dangles O, Loirat J, Freour C, Serre S, Vacher J, Le Roux X (2016) Research on Biodiversity and Climate Change at a Distance: Collaboration Networks between Europe and Latin America…
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Challenges in the assessment and management of small-scale fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean

Salas, S., Chuenpagdee, R., Seijo, J. C., and Charles, A. 2007. Challenges in the assessment and management of small-scale fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Fisheries Research, 87: 5–16.…
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Overview of Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges and Prospects

de Oliveira Leis, M., Barragán-Paladines, M. J., Saldaña, A., Bishop, D., Jin, J. H., Kereži, V., Agapito, M., et al. 2019. Overview of Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and the…
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